VIN Consultants and Editors

Specialty: Surgery - Soft Tissue

Associate Editor

Tina Wolfe

Tina Wolfe

Board Certification

  • American College of Veterinary Surgeons (ACVS) Surgery, 2006

Honors Awards and Fellowships

  • Certified Veterinary Medical Acupuncturist (cVMA) 2023, CuraCore Vet


  • Residency in Small Animal Surgery, 2004
  • Internship in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, 2001
  • Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, The Ohio State University, 2000
  • Master of Science, The Ohio State University, 2005

Current Professional Activities

  • Adjunct Associate Professor in Small Animal Surgery and Pain Management, University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine
  • Small animal surgeon and consultant
  • Section Editor (Soft Tissue Surgery) for Advances in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery

Marital Status

  • Happily married to a large animal veterinarian


  • One daughter, Claire (June 2009-May 2014)


  • Penny, a wirehaired pointing griffon
  • A flock of silver appleyard ducks
  • Millie, a furry mixed breed dog
  • A flock of chickens
  • Thousands of honey bees


  • Gardening, cooking, fishing, genealogy, crochet, soap making, and beeswax crafts

Favorite Quote

Just because we can, doesn't mean we should.

What I Like Most About VIN

You can learn something new every day.

Are you a specialist who loves helping (and learning from) colleagues?

Join the proud team of VIN Consultants and Associate Editors!
Call Paul D. Pion, DVM, DACVIM (Cardiology) at 530-757-6881 or email .