Monday, September 16, 2024
Don’t Blame the Janitor
By: Jennifer Woolf, DVM, MS - 1/27/2024
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Don’t Blame the Janitor
In the Hollow
By: Christy Corp-Minamiji, DVM - 10/31/2023
The downed cow's owner somehow thought "over the ridge, just before the trees" was a near reasonable address to give the vet at 5:30 on an October evening.
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In the Hollow
My Invisible Dog
By: Pegi Webster, Content Editor, VP, CattleDogPublishing, VETzInsight - 9/11/2023
I thought I was a responsible pet owner. Auggie Doggie caused me to rethink this almost daily.
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My Invisible Dog
Who Goes First in the ER?
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Don’t Blame the Janitor
In the Hollow
The downed cow's owner somehow thought "over the ridge, just before the trees" was a near reasonable address to give the vet at 5:30 on an October evening.
My Invisible Dog
I thought I was a responsible pet owner. Auggie Doggie caused me to rethink this almost daily.
Watch out for Dog Holes
Digging is normal canine behavior
Who Goes First in the ER?
It may not be who you think
Heat Stroke Havoc: Horses and Cows and Pigs, Oh My!
“Heat stroke? Horses get that?"
Hot Cars Are Not for Dogs - but They're OK for Defrosting Fish
Heat stroke can be a life-threatening condition and requires immediate treatment
The Opioid Crisis Affects Pets, Too
It was the simplest thing to give Gucci a dose of naloxone
Oil in Water
The thief in the kayak heard only a strangled slurp as the bow of the now empty dinghy nuzzled into his boat's side
Nonverbal Cues Help Us Better Understand Dogs
Dogs deal with issues in making friendships too
Geriatric Pet Care is Not for the Faint of Heart
Caring for a geriatric pet comes with a new set of challenges
The Obese, Large-breed Dog Spay
Some veterinarians' most dreaded surgery is spaying an obese, large-breed dog
If I Could Talk to the Animals
As soon as he put the dog on the table, everything changed: "Who's my good boy?"
Fighting like Dogs and Cats
What kinds of things can happen when a dog decides to take on a cat?
Writing Neurotic Instructions for Dog Sitters
That's why nothing untoward happened that did not involve tuna particles
Why Are Asymptomatic Carriers Important?
An asymptomatic carrier is infected with a disease but has no signs of it
Video Recording in Exam Rooms
If you want to record anything in an exam room, be on the up-and-up about it
A Flash of Blood and Euthanasia
Bandy was my best friend in a world that was wildly out of my control
SARS-CoV-2 in Pet Hamsters (and a Massive Over-Reaction)
Short term isolation would allow the virus to be naturally eliminated in an individual hamster or group
An Indirect Effect of the Pandemic
A week too easily became a month and then six.
Finding a Dog Trainer
Pay close attention to the training your trainer has received
Zoonotic Infection from Household Aquarium
There's a need to balance costs vs benefits, and being proactive vs paranoid
Toxoplasmosis in Cats and Pregnant Humans
I felt like I would be the poster child for Who Develops Toxoplasmosis
A Potential Dog-Origin Coronavirus in People
“Relax, but pay attention”
Beyond the Fire's Edge
As I stumbled over the rocks, wiping sand and ash from my eyes, something large loomed in my periphery