Personal Hygiene: New Challenges with Resistant Bacteria
European Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Congress 2019
Andreas Kuntz

Multi-resistant bacteria, antibiotic therapy, hand wash, hand disinfection, gloves, wound infection, are all things we deal with on a daily basis.

In the news, there are reports of cases of severe infection in patients in human medicine. In our clinics, we deal with antibiotics every day, we wash our hands several times every day, how often do we disinfect our hands per day? When we disinfect our hands, how do we do it?

Do you wear gloves? If wound infections are a common problem in our clinic, do we talk about it?

Are multi-resistant bacteria in human medicine a problem for us in vet medicine? We will discuss in this lecture which bacteria in human medicine are multi-resistant and if they are a risk for us in the veterinarian world. Furthermore, we will have a look, how those bacteria find their way from a human clinic into your clinic.

Numbers from the CDC (Center for Disease Control, USA) will show us, how dangerous they really are. We will also discuss preventive strategies and how bacteria develop a resistance and what we can do in our everyday work, to prevent that.

We will also discuss hygiene guidelines, and explore the advantages and disadvantages of hand washing and hand disinfection, including prevention of bacteria colonisation in our body, and prevention of skin problems, such as dermatitis.

A copy of the power points from this lecture will be disseminated to all delegate e-mail addresses after the Congress.


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Andreas Kuntz