Diagnosis and Evaluation of a Spinal Fracture in a Kohaku Koi (Cyprinus carpio)
IAAAM 1996
Robert S. Bakal; Gregory A. Lewbart; Nancy E. Love; Clifford R. Berry; Gregory S. Starrak; Nicholas J.H. Sharp
North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Raleigh, NC

A 6 year-old 1 kg Kohaku koi (Cyprinus carpio) presented to the NCSUVTH for inappropriate movement and anorexia. Physical examination revealed the fish was paretic from the mid-dorsal fin caudally. Deep pain was elicited on neurologic examination. The rest of the neurologic evaluation was unremarkable. Radiographs were made which revealed an incongruity at the level of C5-C6. A nuclear scintigraphic study demonstrated that the radiographic lesion was active. A CT scan and three dimensional reconstructions were made in an attempt to determine the amount of spinal cord trauma caused by the vertebral fracture. The fish was placed in a 300 liter circular tank and rested for 10 weeks. The fish's condition improved over this time and it regained approximately 80% of its mobility. The fish was returned to its pond and is doing well to date, 9 months after initial presentation.

Speaker Information
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Robert S. Bakal
North Carolina State University, College of Veterinary Medicine
Raleigh, NC, USA

MAIN : Session VI : Spinal Fracture in Kohaku koi
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