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Category: Dogs

Diarrhea in Puppies and Kittens (Study Closed)
Published: March 10, 2004
Dr. Jörg M. Steiner
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Studies on the treatment of chronic diarrhea in puppies and kittens

We have all seen it many times over; puppies and kittens with chronic diarrhea that we can't determine the cause of and that do not seem to respond to therapy of any kind. Little scientific data is available about the treatment of these patients. In order to investigate the therapeutic value of fructo-oligosaccharides in the treatment of chronic diarrhea in puppies and kittens we have started a study in both puppies and kittens.

Puppies and kittens that have chronic diarrhea and that have had an initial medical work-up to rule out identifiable causes of chronic diarrhea will be eligible to enroll (the work-up should include physical examination, fecal analysis, broad-spectrum anthelmintic therapy, complete blood count, serum chemistry profile, and serum fTLI, cobalamin, and folate concentrations). Puppies and kittens that are enrolled will be randomized into 4 treatment groups and will be switched to another group every 4 weeks until each patient has been treated with each treatment protocol. Patients are reevaluated free of charge after completing 4 weeks on each one of the treatment protocols. Also, all diet and food supplements used in this trial will be provided free of charge. Owners will be asked to fill out a daily questionnaire. As an incentive owners will receive $100 at the time of enrollment and another $100 at the time of completion of the study. Please contact us if you are seeing a puppy or kitten that would be eligible to enroll into the study ( or 979-458-0785).

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Reviewed 12/5/05

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