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Category: Dogs

Genetics of Cryptorchidism in Siberian Huskies (Study Closed)
Published: January 24, 2008
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Study Start Date: 12/01/07
Study End Date: 11/30/08

Genetics of Cryptorchidism in Siberian Huskies

Having a dog with a retained testicle is one of the most common developmental defects in purebred dogs. An estimated frequency of this abnormality, called cryptorchidism, in several breeds is as high as 15 percent. Major health consequences of cryptorchidism are reduced fertility or infertility at adulthood, abdominal surgery to remove the retained testicle, and if the dog is kept intact, significantly increased risk of testicular malignancies. According to the AKC rules, cryptorchid dogs have limited competitive opportunities, and such animals are not recommended for breeding. In certain individual dogs, a diagnosis is further complicated by later than average testicular descent, i.e some months after birth. Retained testicles in affected dogs should be removed to avoid the possibility of development of cancer. Currently, there is no genetic diagnostic test to predict the risk of the abnormality in a dog or the progeny. We will investigate the role of candidate genes, those known to cause similar problems in other species, and use comparative gene mapping studies, to search for responsible genes for cryptorchidism. These candidate gene(s) and genomic regions will either be identified as associated with cryptorchidism or excluded from further study. We are working with the Siberian Husky Club to select affected and unaffected individuals from 40 families for genotyping and analysis. The ultimate goal is to develop a genetic test to remove carriers of this abnormality. All results will be published and available freely to all dog breeders.

Study Design:
Case controlled genetic screening study.

Study Sample Size:
Minimum 40 families of affected and unaffected dogs.

Inclusion criteria:
Samples from affected Siberian Huskies and normal male litter-mates and parents.

Exclusion Criteria:
Samples from families that do not carry the trait.

Study Controls:
Unaffected family members

Simple cheek swabs are all that are needed and a quick trip to the post office to mail them out - no cost to you (other than the postage for mailing). All information is strictly confidential. This could very well lead to a genetic test for cryptorchidism (retained testicles). Please help with this research.

Informed consent will need to be obtained.


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Full Disclosure information:

  • The study is funded by a grant from AKC-CHF and Siberian Husky Club of America.
  • The investigators do not have any conflict of interest.
  • The study will be published if results are negative
  • The study will be reported on VIN.
  • The authors will acknowledge VIN if the study is published.

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