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Category: Dogs

Chronic Hepatitis in Standard Poodles (Study Closed)
Published: July 27, 2012

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Study Start Date: 07/01/2011
Study End Date: 07/01/2015

Chronic Hepatitis in Standard Poodles
Chronic hepatitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the liver that is progressive and often fatal. The cause of chronic hepatitis is usually unknown with the exception of a breed-related inherited copper storage disease observed in Bedlington Terriers. This disease is treatable using specific copper chelators, and through genetic counseling, the disease has essentially been eliminated from the breed. Several other breeds are also thought to have copper-associated hepatitis, but the exact mechanism of disease and mode of transmission remain to be determined. There are also other breeds predisposed to non-copper-associated chronic hepatitis. These are considered to have idiopathic chronic hepatitis. Proposed etiologies include: infectious, toxic, drug-induced, autoimmune, or breed-related metabolic errors. The treatment for most cases of chronic hepatitis is supportive, and the disease is currently unpreventable. Chronic hepatitis is usually not diagnosed until dogs are middle-aged or older, and most breeding dogs are younger than the age at which signs of hepatitis appear; thus transmission via selective breeding is generally unpreventable. Standard Poodles appear predisposed to develop chronic hepatitis, but there has not been a comprehensive documentation of the incidence or description of the disease. Currently the cause, clinical manifestations, genetics involved in the transmission, and the appropriate therapy needed for management of hepatitis in Standard Poodles are unknown. Our goal is to first describe chronic hepatitis in the Standard Poodle using the clinical, laboratory and histopathology findings. With this information we plan to apply for additional funding for a comprehensive project to identify the cause of chronic hepatitis in Standard Poodles, as well as to determine genetic transmission and therapy.

Study Design:

Sample Size:
30–50 affected dogs

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Any standard poodle with clinicopathologic evidence of chronic hepatitis

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Exclusion criteria include concurrent systemic illnesses.

**Please call Dr. Allison Bradley prior to obtaining samples**

  1. Liver tissue in formalin for histopathology
  2. Liver tissue (fresh) for metals analysis
  3. Liver tissue in RNA later (to be provided by study)
  4. Whole blood in RNA later (to be provided by study)
  5. Serum
  6. Client consent and patient history forms
  7. Four-generation pedigree, if available (will be kept confidential)

File for Download:
Client Consent Form (PDF)

The study will cover the cost of histopathology and metals analysis, as well as shipping. Shipping packs will be provided.

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Full Disclosure information:

  • The study is funded by a grant from The Poodle Club of America
  • The investigator does not have a conflict of interest
  • The study will be published if results are negative
  • The study will be reported on VIN
  • The authors will acknowledge VIN if the study is published

Date published: 07/27/2012

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