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In practice
Volume 45 | Issue 3 (April 2023)

Use of surgical lasers in small animal dermatology

In Pract. April 2023;45(3):144-154. 16 Refs
Jason Pieper1
1 Iowa State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, 1800 Christensen Dr, Ames, IA 50011, USA.

Author Abstract

Background: Use of lasers in veterinary medicine has significantly increased over the past decade. What was once a piece of equipment, almost exclusively used by veterinary specialists, has now become a common piece of equipment in general veterinary practices. It is imperative to know the appropriate situations and diseases for which lasers can be used.

Aim of the article: This article covers the basics of lasers, including discussion of both diode and CO2 lasers. It also discusses several skin diseases and/or conditions in which lasers are commonly used.

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