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Animal genetics
Volume 53 | Issue 1 (February 2022)

Canine coat pigmentation genetics: a review.

Anim Genet. February 2022;53(1):3-34.
L Brancalion1, B Haase2, C M Wade3
1 Faculty of Science, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW, 2006, Australia.; 2 Faculty of Science, School of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW, 2006, Australia.; 3 Faculty of Science, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW, 2006, Australia.
© 2021 Stichting International Foundation for Animal Genetics.


Our understanding of canine coat colour genetics and the associated health implications is developing rapidly. To date, there are 15 genes with known roles in canine coat colour phenotypes. Many coat phenotypes result from complex and/or epistatic genetic interactions among variants within and between loci, some of which remain unidentified. Some genes involved in canine pigmentation have been linked to aural, visual and neurological impairments. Consequently, coat pigmentation in the domestic dog retains considerable ethical and economic interest. In this paper we discuss coat colour phenotypes in the domestic dog, the genes and variants responsible for these phenotypes and any proven coat colour-associated health effects.

albinism; coat colour; deafness; dog; melanocyte; melanogenesis; pigmentation;

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Erratum In Anim Genet. 2022 Jun;53(3):474-475

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