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Barking At Strangers On A Walk
Kathy Davis
Published: August 29, 2002
Q: I have a 3-year old Miniature Schnauzer who is a sweetheart, but has a tendency to bark when she sees children and strangers when she is walked. Any ideas on how this can be corrected?

A: Yes! Take her to obedience classes so that you learn some "heeling" maneuvers with her. Then when you spot a stranger or child -- our eyes are sharper than a dog's eyes in these situations -- get busy! Give her stuff to do to keep up with you, step lively! Be sure you learn to work her on a loose leash, since a tight leash increases a dog's defensive attitude.

Make it fun, but keep her mind and body occupied until she has forgotten all about the other person. Soon she will look at you for instructions when she spots someone, knowing that she is just too busy for that barking nonsense!

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