U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal Care: Regulation and Policy Update
American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Conference 1998
F. Miava Binkley, DVM
USDA, APHIS, AC - Eastern Region, Annapolis, MD, USA


Several changes have recently occurred in the U.S. Department of Agriculture animal care regulations and policies that might affect zoo animal medicine. More changes are under consideration and may be adopted in the near future to improve the effectiveness of animal care programs. Some areas affected by these changes include:

1.  Elephant TB testing, treatment, and travel restrictions (effective July 1, 1998)

2.  Perimeter fencing (final ruling expected summer 1998)

3.  Risk-based inspection system to focus U.S. Department of Agriculture resources on problem facilities (effective March 1998)

Changes under consideration include:

1.  Training and handling requirements for dangerous animals

2.  Primate enrichment guidelines

3.  Specific space requirements for wild/exotic mammals


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F. Miava Binkley, DVM
USDA, APHIS, AC - Eastern Region
Annapolis, MD, USA

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