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Category: Dogs

Research on Acute Renal Failure in Dogs Associated with Ingestion of Grapes or Raisins (Study Closed)
Published: August 15, 2005

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Published results can be found here.

Acute Renal Failure Associated with Ingestion of Grapes or Raisins

Due to the variable nature of grape/raisin toxicosis, only grapes/raisins associated with known cases of acute renal failure are desired as source material. This has hampered research progress as only a limited number of these grapes/raisins have been submitted. YOU CAN HELP research into grape/raisin toxicosis by submitting grapes/raisins associated with clinical cases.

The purpose of this study is to determine the active fraction and toxic principle of “toxic” grapes/raisins, and to shed light into mechanism of action. This work will lead to future studies in diagnosis and treatment.

Inclusion criteria:

Cases: Dogs with a new diagnosis of acute renal failure following ingestion of grapes and/or raisins in any amount. The diagnosis of acute renal failure must be documented by physical examination and laboratory evaluation; not just a presumptive diagnosis.

Submissions are welcome from any region in the US.

Samples: We are requesting submission of implicated grapes or raisins. Also, if grapes/raisins are available, fresh frozen tissues (serum, urine, kidney, liver.) Include medical information such as signalment, CBC, serum chemistry results, urinalysis, significant previous health history, treatment provided, and/or histology reports.

  1. Double-bag grape, raisin, and tissue samples, in plastic Ziplock freezer bags. Bag samples individually (i.e., only one type of sample per bag).
  2. Spin blood and remove serum. Ship serum in red-top Vacutainer tubes. Ship urine in clean glass or plastic containers. Place urine and serum samples in Ziplock freezer bags.
  3. Label Ziplock bag and urine/serum containers with APCC case number (if applicable) and date.
  4. Place in freezer until ready for overnight delivery via UPS.
  5. When ready to ship, include animal's medical record, pack on ice and send via UPS overnight to Petra Volmer at address below.
  6. Under “Bill to Recipient” on address label, enter UPS account number 02AV37. Samples must be sent via UPS. Study will not pay for use of other couriers. **DO NOT SHIP PRIOR TO WEEKEND OR HOLIDAY**. Only ship Monday - Wednesday so samples arrive chilled.
  7. Contact Petra Volmer (so she knows to expect package to avoid spoilage). In message include APCC case number (if applicable) and type of samples (grape, raisin, liver, kidney, blood, urine).

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