Quiz and Test Guidelines
Published: April 06, 2015
Peggy Hall; Charlotte Waack; Debbie Friedler

Weekly quizzes are optional and generally consist of 10 or 20 questions.

The end of course test is MANDATORY for any RACE accredited course. If you choose to provide weekly quizzes, the final quiz can be part of the end of course test. The end of course test consists of 10 or more questions. The total number of questions at the end of course test must be divisible by 100 (i.e., 10, 20, 25, 50, or 100).

For each question in the quiz or end of course test, please provide

  • the question number (1, 2, 3, etc.)
  • the question
  • (optional) An image can be used (i.e., microscope slide image for a clinical pathology question) with a quiz/test question. For each image, please include
    • The filename of the image.
    • If you do not own the image, please provide copyright information. The copyright will be added to the image prior to loading it into the quiz/test.
  • 2-6 possible answers to the question of which only one may be correct
    • If there is a correct answer to the question, please designate which answer is correct by placing an asterisk in front of it
  • Please include an explanation for why the answer is correct.

The quizzes/tests should be submitted in a Word (*.doc or *.docx) document using 1-inch margins and size 10 Times New Roman font.

Save the quiz/test document with an appropriate filename:

  • Save the quiz document with a name that includes the course code and week.
    Example: MULT205-0215_Week03_Quiz.docx
  • For the end-of-course test, save the document with the course code and EOC.
    Example: MULT205-0215_EOC.docx

Send the quiz and test documents as email attachments to your course facilitator. If you plan to use images in any of your test questions, attach the images to the email, and in the body of the email, list the image file names and the copyright information for each.
    goat_lesion.jpg        (c) J. Henderson 2015

Quiz/Test Question Examples
Question 01
After notifying the state/provincial veterinarian of this case of neurologic problems in an animal in a public setting, which of the following actions is the best next step in management?

Administer ceftiofur intramuscularly.
Administer water via stomach tube until urine is isosthenuric.
Advise fair officials to take all animals off display.
*Isolate affected pig and in-contact pigs.
Place the esophageal feeding tube and administer a slurry of a commercial ration.

Until the presumptive diagnosis is confirmed, the case must be treated as a communicable, zoonotic disease. Animals showing neurological signs should be immediately isolated from public contact. Further steps in diagnosis and treatment should be initiated as soon as possible and can often proceed while animals are isolated.

Question 02
Which of the following is the most accurate method of identifying the agent causing this goat's lesion?

Image: goat_lesion.jpg

*Fungal culture
Microscopic examination of hairs
Serologic test
Skin biopsy
Wood's lamp examination