The Care and Feeding of Your Director
American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Conference 1999
William R. Foster, DVM
Louisville Zoological Garden, Louisville, KY, USA


A twelve-step program has been developed to define the veterinarian’s current positional relationship to the director of his/her institution. The purpose of the program is to provide a guided tour and insights into the magical mystery of the “Ivory Tower” and its environmental impact on the veterinary medical care of the facility. The program focuses on the practical application of the fine points of the husbandry and nutritional requirements of a director and, thus, the implied growth of a successful zoo veterinary program.

Virtual authority
Effective communication
Third-party perspective
Education and skill development
Responsibility, focus, perspective, and style
Institutional mission alignment and goal setting
No surprises
Assessment of self and marketing your strengths
Resolution of conflict
Implementation of change
Asset or liability and measure of success
Nirvana (any place or condition of great peace or bliss)

Exit Strategy

Where do old zoo vets go?


Speaker Information
(click the speaker's name to view other papers and abstracts submitted by this speaker)

William R. Foster, DVM
Louisville Zoological Garden
Louisville, KY, USA

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