Pulpal Treatment and Restoration of a Fractured Tusk of an African Elephant (Loxodonta africana)
American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Conference 2002

George P. Willis1, DDS; Jeff Proudfoot2, DVM; Jan Ramer3, DVM

1Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, School of Dentistry, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA; 2Senior Veterinarian, Indianapolis Zoo, Indianapolis, IN, USA; 3Associate Veterinarian, Indianapolis Zoo, Indianapolis, IN, USA

A 2-year, 4-month-old female Loxodonta africana weighing 740 kg (1,631 lb.) was found to have a fractured right tusk. The fracture had exposed approximately 1 cm of pulpal tissue and the fractured tusk margins were 2–3 mm sub-sulcular.

Etorphine HCI 10 mg/ml was used for immobilization (1 mg IM via hand syringe, supplemented with an additional 1 mg eleven minutes later). Intubation was with a 26 mm endotracheal tube and maintained on Isoflurane at 1–2% for 105 minutes.

Two radiographs were taken. Electrosurgery was utilized to expose the entire periphery of the fractured tusk. A sterilized 0.25 inch drill bit in a cordless drill was utilized to remove necrotic pulp tissue and expose vital bleeding pulp tissue (approximately 2 cm apically into the tusk). Gentamicin antibiotic ointment was placed over the vital pulp tissue followed by a layer of Consil® ( Bioglass® synthetic bone graft particulate). A bonding agent ( OptiBond Solo Plus®) and a chemical-cure composite core paste (Compcore®) were used to seal the access opening. Anesthesia was reversed with 100 mg IV naltrexone HCI 50 mg/ml. During the procedure 7.75 grams amoxicillin trihydrate was given IM. Oral antibiotics (sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim 300 mg/ml) 15,000 oz were given once a day for two weeks. The sulcus area was flushed with 0.075% chlorohexidine and 0.9% saline three times a day for one week. Four weeks post-treatment, the elephant showed no signs of infection and the tusk had grown approximately 0.5 cm.


Speaker Information
(click the speaker's name to view other papers and abstracts submitted by this speaker)

George P. Willis, DDS
Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs
School of Dentistry
Indiana University
Indianapolis, IN, USA

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