Title Page
2018 Joint EAZWV/AAZV/Leibniz-IZW Conference

2018 Joint European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians (EAZWV), American Association of Zoo Veterinarians (AAZV), Leibniz Institute for Zoo And Wildlife Research (IZW) Conference Proceedings

Prague, Czech Republic
6–12 October 2018

Continuing Education

Continuing education sponsored by the American College of Zoological Medicine

The ACZM is a registered veterinary specialty college by the American Veterinary Medical Association for sponsoring of continuing education credits. Individual states may have different laws or policies on acceptability of conferences, meetings or courses to qualify for continuing education (CE) credit. You are advised to check with the state(s) in which you are licensed to ensure that the CE credits provided are acceptable.


The information appearing in this publication comes exclusively from the authors and contributors identified in each manuscript. The techniques and procedures presented reflect the individual knowledge, experience, and personal views of the authors and contributors. The information presented does not incorporate all known techniques and procedures and is not exclusive. Other procedures, techniques, and technology might also be available. Any questions or requests for additional information concerning any of the manuscripts should be addressed directly to the authors.

The sponsoring associations of this conference and resulting publication have not undertaken direct research or formal review to verify the information contained in this publication. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the host associations. The associations are not responsible for errors or for opinions expressed in this publication. The host associations expressly disclaim any warranties or guarantees, expressed or implied, and shall not be liable for damages of any kind in connection with the material, information, techniques, or procedures set forth in this publication.

All rights reserved, particularly for pictures. It is not permitted to reproduce any part of this booklet by photocopy, microfilm, internet or any other means without written permission of the IZW. The use of product and trade names or other entities in this booklet does not justify the assumption that these can be freely used. They may represent registered trademarks or other legal entities even if not marked as such.

Editing and layout of printed edition: Christof Häberle, Stefanie Lenz, Josepha Prügel, Jan Zwilling
Cover: Przewalski’s horse, ©Tomáń Adamec
Publisher: Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Leibniz-IZW), Post office box 700430, 10324 Berlin, Germany, www.izw-berlin.de


Speaker Information
(click the speaker's name to view other papers and abstracts submitted by this speaker)