International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine 2008 Proceedings Online

Sono lieto di ricevervi a Pomezia, una piccola città alle porte di Roma, che quest' anno ospita la 39ma Conferenza Annuale IAAAM. Welcome to archive of the 39th Annual Conference of the International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine, held in the charming seaside town of Pomezia and hosted by Pedro Lavia and the folks of Zoomarine Italia! I cannot imagine a more appropriate setting to showcase Marine Animal Medicine, Research, and Conservation in the hub of art, culture, and genius.

Many thanks to VIN for publishing the entire archive of the abstracts and papers online and allowing IAAAM members free access to it. As you can see the scientific sessions are jam packed with interesting topics covering anatomy, conservation, immunology, infectious diseases, technology, and toxicology.

Many thanks to our hosts Pedro Lavia, Sonia Azinhais and Cristina Pilenga for working tirelessly and seamlessly to help organize an unforgettable conference.

Thanks to the IAAAM Board members, Don Stremme, Craig Harms, Bill Van Bon, Judy St. Leger, Tracy Romano, Lisa Mazzaro, and Julius Tepper for their advice and support in assembling this program. Many thanks especially to Don Stremme for walking me through the process, our webmaster John Jones for making appropriate changes to our website and setting up the links to the website, my wife Courtney, and my kids Cora and Spencer for putting up with my late hours and crazy schedule.

Tom Reidarson
Program Chair and IAAAM President-Elect

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We suggest that you:

  1. Read the brief guide below to get the most from the IAAAM Congress 2008 Proceedings Online.
  2. Preview AND PRINT the notes for sessions you plan to attend at the conference.

Browsing the Proceedings
When browsing the Proceedings online, you may use the Table Of Contents (Browse By Speaker and Browse By Category), in the left column, or the 'Previous' and 'Next' arrows found at the top and bottom of each article. The titles displayed in the Table of Contents may be abbreviated. To view a particular article, and the full article title, click the title of the presentation.

Searching the Proceedings
To search the Proceedings by topic, type a specific topic in the 'Search this Resource' box and click the 'Go' button.