Total Nutritional Support of Two Adult Commerson's Dolphins (Cephalorhynchus commersoni)
IAAAM Archive
Thomas H. Reidarson; James McBain
Sea World of California
San Diego, CA, USA


Faced with the necessity of supporting Commerson's dolphins by oral alimentation, we developed a milk based formula capable of providing total nutritional support.

In 1997, two Commerson's dolphins (Cephalorhynchus commersoni) developed inappetence over a two week period. The only observed clinical abnormality was ulceration of approximately 20% of the distal esophagus in one individual and gastric ulceration of approximately 30% of the first chamber in the other. Attempts at medical treatment failed to stimulate appetite, resulting in 9% weight loss in one and 22% in the other, over a period of less than three weeks.

A milk based formula similar to one used with other cetacean neonates was modified to meet the caloric needs of the high metabolic rate.

Commerson's Dolphin Milk Formula

 0.625 lbs filleted herring

 50 g Zoologic 30/55

 90 g Zoologic 33/40

 1/2 tsp. lecithin

 7.25 g dextrose

 62 mg taurine

 4.5 g NaCl

 1.25 grain dicalcium phosphate

 25 ml salmon oil

 550 ml water

 50 ml whipping cream.

The formula has a very thick consistency, with a caloric density of 1.83 kcal/ml, and must be delivered by syringe.

In our experience, the caloric requirement needed to produce weight gain in Commerson's dolphins is approximately 200 kcal/kg of body weight. This was accomplished in these two individuals by gavaging approximately 25 cc/kg body weight of formula five times per day. As the dolphins' appetite began to improve, volume of formula was adjusted to maintain consistent weight gain. The individual with esophageal ulceration recovered within 12 days and continues to do well. The individual with severe gastric ulceration recovered after 29 days, but relapsed approximately 1 month later. After 5 months on the formula, the dolphin began to consume whole fish. The animal unfortunately died due to septicemia.

Speaker Information
(click the speaker's name to view other papers and abstracts submitted by this speaker)

James F. McBain, DVM
Sea World of California
San Diego, CA, USA

Thomas H. Reidarson, DVM
Sea World of California
San Diego, CA, USA

MAIN : Session II : Total Nutritional Support
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