An Artificial Formula for Phocid Pups
IAAAM Archive
Louis E. Garibaldi, BS

New England Aquarium, Boston, MS


The formulation of a liquid diet for nursing and/or debilitated seals that would supply balanced nutrients for growth and maintenance was desired for utilization by individuals to whom the normal seafood supplements were not readily available. A diet was prepared consisting of canine milk replacer fortified with heavy cream and powdered cottage cheese to simulate the fat and protein levels normally found in phocid seal milk. This was fed to orphaned and debilitated seals. Weight gains were monitored, especially in orphaned pups. Significant increases of up to one kilogram per day were recorded with 0.35 kg per day the average weight gain.

All animals continued in a normal growth pattern following weaning to a fish diet. The artificial diet achieved weight gain and normal development better than previous formulations that have been used. The diet is easy to prepare and easy to administer to debilitated and/or suckling animals.


Suggestions for Medical Treatment

Seal lice can be treated with Malathion.

Dehydration can be treated with fluids and electrolytes.

General prophylaxis when starting pups on formula-- Give 1g chloramphenicol with the initial 250 cc fluid by stomach tube. Then give 250 mg chloramphenicol b.i.d. If the pup is doing well after a few days, antibiotic treatment may cease.

Suggested Diets

  1. Force-feed one to two day old pups with fish only.

  2. Feed blended fish and heavy cream (40% fat).

  3. *This is best.* Esbilac plus protein. "Pro-magic" can be used for protein, it is a powdered cottage cheese which is 86% protein. This liquid diet satisfies only 50% of the caloric requirement so give two times the normally nursed volume. This has been done without problems. Pups were getting 1200-3400 cc per pup per day which is equivalent to 1900-4600 calories each per day.


The Playtex baby bottle nipple has a non-protrusible nipple which is similar to that of the mother seal. It also has a collapsible bag which decreases the amount of air ingested.

Fifty percent of seal pups will nurse, the others must be stomach tubed.

Speaker Information
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Louis E. Garibaldi, BS
New England Aquarium

MAIN : 1977 : Formula for Phocid Pups
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