Habitat Restoration in Galveston Bay
IAAAM Archive
Jarrett (Woody) Woodrow
Coastal Conservation Program Leader, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Dickinson, TX, USA


Galveston Bay has lost approximately 30,000 acres of valuable wetland habitat. In an effort to make up for this loss, partnerships between private, non-governmental, and governmental organizations have formed to restore wetlands. This presentation will provide an overview of wetland restoration efforts in the Galveston Bay area and will cover different approaches used and the relative success of each approach. The parameters that have come into play so that these projects have come into fruition. The technical aspects of restoration approaches as well as the importance of geography and landscape position will be discussed. Significant resources, ~ 8 million, have been expended to implement these restoration projects over the past five years. Benefits to fish and wildlife species in Galveston Bay include endangered species such as the brown pelican and commercially and recreationally important species of fish and invertebrates.

Speaker Information
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Jarrett Woodrow

MAIN : Aquatic Animal Health : Habitat Restoration
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