Experimental Study of the Use of Nylon-Band in the Resolution of Oblique Fractures in the Rabbit
*Jose Maria Carrillo Poveda, Joaquin Jesus Sopena Juncosa, Monica Rubio Zaragoza, Jose Ignacio Redondo Garcia, José Murciano Perez
The objectives of this study was to try the adaptation of commercial nylon straps with industrial aims like nylon bands cerclage to solve fractures. Because it is a polyamide (6/6) that had been typified as biocompatible material in previous works
The experimental study was approached in three phases. A first phase where the traction resistance of the nylon bands was studied, and the influence of sterilization method in that resistance. A second phase where the inflammatory response and histocompatibility of the material used, was evaluated in vivo in rabbits. Lastly, a third phase where efficacy and clinical effectiveness of the implant, associated with intramedullary pin, was assessed in the resolution of oblique fractures in the rabbit.
Nylon bands did not decrease traction resistance with any sterilization method used, (pressure cooker -sterilizing apparatus- and dry chemical). The traction resistance was significantly greater (p= 0,05). Lock mechanism was the implant's weakest area.
There were not significance changes in hematologic values, suggesting rejection of the material. Histologic studies did not show implant's inadequate inflammatory response. Research results of implant's effectiveness in treatment of rabbit oblique fractures proved a correct consolidation in all cases at twenty-eight days of evolution, with a right functionality of the extremities since the first day.
Radiologically and histologically it was confirmed a great formation of callus bone and a fracture's correct healing in every case.
The nylon bands increase their resistance after the sterilization with autoclave.
The nylon bands sterilizing in autoclave, have a great histocompatibility after their implantation in rabbit long bone fractures.
The implantation of nylon bands is easy and quickly, getting less the surgery time.
The use of nylon bands associated with intramedullary pin, is a useful method in the resolution of oblique fractures in the rabbit.