Environmental Activism: One Zoo Veterinarian’s Experience
American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Conference 2001
Timothy A. Reichard, DVM, MS
Animal Health and Nutrition Department, Toledo Zoological Society, Toledo, OH, USA


Over the past 30 years, first as a professional wildlife biologist and then as a zoo veterinarian, I have viewed and researched the degradation of the environment and loss of wildlife habitat in numerous environs of the world. In recent years, my efforts for environmental protection have included both scientific studies and environmental activism. My personal activism has included lobbying of politicians through office visits and letter writing, grassroots organizing, public speaking, media interviews, and teaching. I view these efforts as important as my scientific contributions.

During the past few years, I have focused on my activism efforts on human population and environment issues. To me, the population/environment connection is all-encompassing and the most important issue facing us as inhabitants of planet Earth. As a zoo veterinarian I have had numerous opportunities for activism in the zoo community. The public views zoo veterinarians in high regard, loves to hear our stories, and intently listens to our messages on environmental conservation. Organizations including National Audubon Society, National Wildlife Federation, Sierra Club, Zero Population Growth, and local environmental groups have provided numerous educational experiences and material resources to assist me in my activism efforts.

I am driven in my activism efforts for many reasons but primarily because I want my 16-year-old daughter and her children to experience the beauty and wonders of nature as I have.


Speaker Information
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Timothy A. Reichard, DVM, MS
Toledo Zoological Gardens
Toledo, OH, USA

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