Urinalysis in Free-Ranging Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from Sarasota Bay, Florida
IAAAM 2012
Alissa Deming1; Nicole I. Stacy1; Brian C. Balmer2; Jay C. Sweeney3; Deborah A. Fauquier2; Randall S. Wells1,2
1Aquatic Animal Health Program, Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA; 2Chicago Zoological Society, c/o Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, FL, USA; 3Quest Global Management/Dolphin Quest, San Diego, CA, USA


Two-hundred-twenty-three urine samples were collected during repeated capture-release health assessments from 141 free-ranging bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Sarasota Bay, Florida, during 1993–2011.1,2 The urine samples were primarily collected via catheterization (very few were free-catch urine samples), analyzed to determine baseline values for normal biochemical and microscopic variables in dolphin urine and to investigate differences by age and sex. The majority of urinalysis findings were medium yellow colored (83%), clear (65%) urine with a mean urine specific gravity of 1.024 ± 0.009 SD, a predominately acidic pH (mean 6.11 ± 0.445 SD), which is similar to that of other marine mammal species,3 and mild cellularity. Dipstick evaluation for glucose, ketones and nitrites were negative in all samples. While most urine samples (77%) indicated a negative blood dipstick reaction, 23% of samples had variable degrees of positive blood dipstick reactions, which was further confirmed by the microscopic identification of intact red blood cells. This finding is likely associated with the catheterization process and/or genital tract contamination in males and females. Bilirubin was detected as a small amount in 11% and a moderate amount in 1% of urine samples. It is unknown whether dolphins have a low renal threshold for bilirubin similar to dogs.4 Protein dipstick evaluation was negative in 22% of samples, but resulted in 1+ to 2+ positive dipstick reactions in 59% of samples, and 3+ to 4+ positive reactions in 19% of samples. Some of these positive protein dipstick reactions likely can be associated with the presence of red blood cells and/or lower urinary tract contamination in males and females; however, the possibility of proteinuria was not further confirmed by sulfosalicylic acid precipitation. Urinary sediment evaluation did not reveal any evidence for urinary tract infection in any of the study animals. Variable numbers of bacteria were observed in 20% of the urine samples; given the polymorphic morphology of the bacterial population and absence of inflammation in these samples, these bacteria were considered contaminants from the lower urinary tract or the environment. In addition, fifty urine samples were submitted for culture, of which 18 had microscopically observed bacteria, but no culture samples resulted in any growth. Few to many calcium oxalate dihydrate crystals were observed in 8% of samples. This finding is consistent with a low prevalence of calcium oxalate dihydrate crystals in dog urine,4 and in contrast to recent reports that described magnesium ammonium phosphate calculi in a wild female dolphin and urate nephrolithiasis in captive bottlenose dolphins5-7. Low numbers of hyaline casts were present in 10% of urine samples. Hyaline casts have been associated with exercise in mammals,4 and are likely consistent with exertion during capture. There were no significant differences in biochemical and microscopic parameters between adult females, adult males and immature animals. Our urinalysis dataset provides urinalysis baseline values indicative of a healthy wild dolphin population, providing urinalysis reference values as a valuable diagnostic tool for the medical care of dolphins undergoing rehabilitation or in human care.


The authors wish to thank veterinarians, biologists, volunteers, organizations and laboratories involved with the Sarasota Dolphin Research Program's examinations and sampling of dolphins over the last two decades. Funding has been provided by Dolphin Quest, NOAA Fisheries, the Georgia Aquarium, and Disney for sample collection. This research was conducted under a series of NMFS scientific research permits.


1.  Wells RS, Rhinehart HL, Hansen LJ, Sweeney JC, Townsend FI, Stone R, Casper D, Scott MD, Hohn AA, Rowles TK. Bottlenose dolphins as marine ecosystem sentinels: Developing a health monitoring system. EcoHealth. 2004;1:246–254.

2.  Wells RS. Learning from nature: Bottlenose dolphin care and husbandry. Zoo Biol. 2009;28:1–17.

3.  Bossart GD, Reidarson TH, Dierauf LA, Duffield DA. Clinical pathology. In: Dierauf LA, Gulland FMD. 2001. Marine Mammal Medicine. 2nd ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 2001:423–424.

4.  Osborne CA, Stevens JB. Urinalysis: A Clinical Guide to Compassionate Patient Care. Bayer Corporation USA and Bayer AG Leverkusen Germany. Kansas: Veterinary Learning Systems; 1999.

5.  McFee WE, Osborne CA. Struvite calculus in the vagina of a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). J Wildlife Dis. 2004;40:125–128.

6.  Venn-Watson S, Smith CR, Johnson A, Daniels R, Townsend F. Clinical relevance of urate nephrolithiasis in bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus. Dis Aquat Organ. 2010;89:167–177.

7.  Venn-Watson S, Townsend FI, Daniels RL, Sweeney JC, McBain JW, Klatsky LJ, Hicks CL, Staggs LA, Rowles TK, Schwacke LH, Wells RS, Smith CR. Hypocitraturia in common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus): assessing a potential risk factor for urate nephrolithiasis. Comp Med. 2010;60:1–5.


Speaker Information
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Alissa Deming
Aquatic Animal Health Program
Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL, USA

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