Serum Biochemical Profile (Kidney and Liver) of Tayassu tajacu (Linnaeus 1758) Kept in Captivity in Pará State, Brazil
World Small Animal Veterinary Association World Congress Proceedings, 2009
L.S. Seixas; L.H.C. Pereira; N.F. Souza; A.M.C. Meneses; C.C.G. Moraes; R.B.S. Kuroda; D.J.S. Lima; M.J.F.M. Figueiredo; A.C.A. Pereira; M.A.M.K. Alves; R.N. Dias Neto; R.F. Andrade; R.K.G. Bastos; A.C.F. Cardoso; E.N.L. Andrade; G.S. Oliveira; K.A. Reis; A.C.C. Lacreta Junior; E.R. Branco; F.C.M. Oliveira; B.M.A. Leandro
Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia, Instituto da Saúde e Produção Animal, Montese, Belém/Pará/Brazil


The wild fauna is an important alimentary protein source mainly for the subsistence of more devoid populations. In poor and devoid areas, wild animals meat consumption is about 20% of the consumption protein of these populations (Coimbra Son 1972). A sustainable exploitation form of these animals is encouraged, since still today the attainment of the same ones is made through the hunting in the nature, what is associated with the destruction of natural habitats (Walnut-Son & Lavorenti 1997). In these areas, wild animal production in captivity is pointed as a rational alternative with respect to the exploitation of these natural resources, mainly, for benefiting the environment and preventing the deforestation necessity so that animal domestic servants are created and reducing the hunting pressure (Walnut-Son 1999). Smith (1976) and Bonaudo et al. (2003) tell that the biggest animal protein source consumed in the Transamazon highway (Brazilian Amazon) region comes from hunting, in special of catitus and jaws, deer (Mazama sp.) and tapirs (Tapirus terrestris). Tayassu tajacu are rustic gregarious animal and produce meat and leather of excellent quality, for which great national and international demand exists. Members of the Tayassuidae family who includes two sorts and three species: Tayassu tajacu (Linnaeus 1758), Tayassu pecari (Link 1795) and Catagonus wagneri (Rusconi 1930, Cubas et al. 2006). The geographic distribution of Tayassu tajacu is sufficiently ample, being found in South America, Central America and South of the United States of America (Cabrera & Yepes 1940). The unfamiliarity sanitary guidance in lathe its susceptibilities the parasitic and infectious diseases, and in biological acceptable levels of physiological parameters, as well as of strategies of half-intensive handling makes it difficult the diffusion of its creation in captivity, in levels that allow to the safe products commercialization of these animals (L. Schettini et al. 2005). The clinical physiological parameters determination (serum biochemistry) contributes to the population or individual clinical state identification, what can facilitates a precocious infectious pathological processes diagnosis, minimizing morbidity and mortality. The objective of the present research was to determine serum biochemistry values to evaluate renal and liver function of Tayassu tacaju kept in captivity, Pará State, Brazil.

Materials and Methods

The related research is regularly registered at IBAMA, in the System of Authorization and Information in Biodiversity (SISBIO) n° 18225-1. 33 Tayassu tacaju from the scientific rearing of the Eastern Amazon EMBRAPA, Belém, Pará State, Brazil, had been used. The procedures always had been carried through in early morning, to prevent stress of the animals. Animals had been physically contained with a fish trap, without use of chemical containment. Blood sample were obtained from cephalic venipuncture, and assays (5mL) stored in tubes contain no anticoagulant. Until arrival in the analysis laboratory, samples were kept cooled in expanded polymer container, containing ice. The samples had been directed to the Laboratory of Clinical Pathology of the Institute of the Health and Animal Production, located in the Agricultural Amazon Federal University (UFRA), Belém campus, Pará State, Brazil. For serum attainment, blood had been centrifuged (5000 rpm, during 10 minutes). The aliquot ones had been shed for identified plastic microtubes (2mL capacity), being, later, congealed -20°C until its posterior processing, not exceeding the limit of 48 hours after-harvest to prevent results interference. Colorimetric and kinetic methods for the attainment of the parameters had been used. Urea, creatinine, albumin and amino aspartate transferase (AST) had been evaluated, using biochemistry kits (Labtest Laboratory). Obtained values had been evaluated by means and standard deviation.


The obtained values were: Urea (38.9±18.04mg/dL); creatinine (2.39±0.67mg/dL); albumin (3.08±0.67g/dL) and AST (28.28±13UI/L).

Discussion and Conclusions

Biochemistry parameters determinations are extremely important to help illnesses diagnosis, independently of studied specie. The gotten urea's values from this research were lesser than that gotten by L. Schettini et al. (2005). Diverse factors influence in the urea values as diet proteins, age, and/or sex. This facts can explain results divergence from others authors. Creatinine production is widely determined by individual muscular mass, and concentration can also be influenced by the age and the sex (Sodré et al. 2007). The serum increase generally is associated the pathological process related to glomerular filtration rate reduction. Creatinine's values obtained here had been different of creatinine's values obtained by Lochmiller & Grant (1984) and similar to found for L. Schettini et al. (2005). The determination albumin values are important for hepatic function evaluation. It has serum reduction when chronic liver insufficiency exists (Benjamin 1991). For albumin, data had been similar to L. Schettini et al. (2005), Lochmiller and Grant (1984). The increased AST suggests hepatic or muscular necrosis (Sodikoff 1996). The joined values had been greater of that described by L. Schettini et al. (2005). This is the first research that turns on determination of serum biochemistry in Tayassu tajacu kept in captivity in the State of Pará, Brazil, and will be, from now on, as reference in the Amazon region.


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Speaker Information
(click the speaker's name to view other papers and abstracts submitted by this speaker)

L.S. Seixas
Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia
Instituto da Saúde e Produção Animal
Montese, Belém/Pará, Brazil

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