Rehabilitation of a Neonatal Gray Whale (Eschrichtius robustus)
IAAAM Archive
Jim McBain; Thomas H. Reidarson
Sea World of California, San Diego, CA


A neonatal gray whale calf was brought to Sea World of California in San Diego for rehabilitation after stranding on the coast of southern California near Marina Del Rey. Initial physical examination revealed severe infestation with whale lice, multiple cutaneous ulcers, and a state of inanition. Initial emergency therapy consisted of 60 mg of dexamethasone sodium phosphate injected intramuscularly. Six liters of warm tap water and 3 liters of 50% dextrose were administered via stomach tube. Oral enrofloxacin at 2.5 mg/kg twice daily and nystatin at 13,000 IU/kg four times daily were begun with the first feeding approximately 2 hours after admission. One half strength formula was given for the first five feedings, switching to full strength from that point on. Feedings were accomplished via stomach tube until an appropriate nursing device was developed and introduced on day 8. The formula contains -1000 Kcal/l and is being fed at the rate of -60 Kcal/ kg body weight/day. There are seven equal size feedings per day at 3 to 4 hour intervals. Growth has been the predominant theme of the first month of rehabilitation. Since her admission at 422 cm length and a body weight of 758 kg, the whale has grown at the rate of 1.7 cm per day and gained 0. 5 5 kg perhour.

Formula (per liter)

 45 g Zoologic 33/40

 25 g Zoologic 30/55

 3.5g lecithin

 4.5 g NaCl

 2 1/2, 7.5 gr. dicalcium phosphate

 7.5 g dextrose

 50 ml heavy whipping cream

 230 g ground herring (heads removed)

 qs. to 1 liter with tap water


Speaker Information
(click the speaker's name to view other papers and abstracts submitted by this speaker)

James F. McBain, DVM
Sea World of California
San Diego, CA, USA

Thomas H. Reidarson, DVM
Sea World of California
San Diego, CA, USA

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