The Use of OcluVet, a Nutritional Eye Drop Solution, in Captive California Sea Lions, Zalophus californianus, with Bilateral Hypermature Cataracts
IAAAM 2006
Connie L. Clemons-Chevis; Mobashir Solangi; Tim Hoffland; Marci Romangoli
Institute for Marine Mammal Studies
Gulfport, MS, USA


Cataracts are a commonly reported problem in both free-ranging and captive California Sea Lions, Zalophus californianus. OccluVet, a new nutritional eye drop solution has been studied in dogs with a marked and beneficial reduction in opacity/density. A study was conducted on four captive California sea lions with bilateral hypermature cataracts. Visible and pupillary reaction changes were observed. This presentation will report on the results of this study.

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Connie L. Clemons-Chevis

MAIN : Case Reports II : Use of Ocluvet
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