Update on Veterinary Medicine in Aquaculture
IAAAM 1996
Joseph S. Gloyd, DVM
Scientific Activities Division, American Veterinary Medical Association, Washington, DC

In just over two years of existence, the AVMA Aquaculture and Seafood Advisory Committee (ASAC) has provided a positive impact on the aquaculture industries and the regulatory issues affecting those industries, and has created additional awareness of the support and health care services available from veterinarians.

The committee has become actively involved in state and federal regulatory issues that impinge upon the growth and well-being of an important segment of the nation's food supply. Some of those issues include extra-label drug use, drug approvals, biologic licensing, inspection and certification of interstate and international shipments, foreign and domestic disease problems and environmental considerations.

Identification of veterinarians who are involved in the various facets of aquatic medicine is an ongoing effort of the ASAC. Cooperation with other organizations, groups, or individuals who are involved in the aquaculture and seafood industries is a major goal of the committee.

Several pieces of legislation have been introduced in Congress relating to aquaculture and the agencies responsible for regulating the industry. The AVMA and its ASAC are involved with the National Aquaculture Industry Forum (NAIF), a coalition of organizations interested in the development and growth of U.S. aquaculture. The NAIF is committed to support of legislation that will recognize aquaculture as a part of agriculture and vest the primary responsibility for regulation of aquaculture in the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

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Joseph S. Gloyd, DVM

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