Continuous Electrocardiographic Holter Monitoring of a Pink Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis)
IAAAM 1986
J. Reynolds1; J.D. Hyman2; I. Melgarejo3; J. Leon4
1Apartado Aereo 8036, Bogota, Colombia; 2Marine Veterinarian, Pearl River, NY; 3Clinica A. Shaio, Bogota, Colombia; 4Head of Cardiology, Hospital San Ignacio, U. Javeriana, Bogota, Colombia


In February of 1986, an expedition was made to the Amazon River, in search of the Pink Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), also called Boutu, with the purpose of transporting it in the first place to the city of Bogota Colombia, 2,640 m. above sea level, and finally to the Rodadero Aquarium in Santa Marta, Colombia.

Three animals were shipped, with the object of performing on them the largest possible number of medical studies, since very little is known about this species, scientifically speaking. Some preliminary studies were carried out on the behavior and brain of one of them which unfortunately died.

From the moment of its capture, a continuous electrocardiographic Holter monitor was placed on one of these dolphins. A first monitoring began on February 6 at 2:10 p.m. During this time, the transport in a special stretcher inside a rubber boat filled with water, from Puerto Narino to Leticia, capital of the Comisaria del Amazonas, Colombia, was recorded. It was continued the following day from 11:30 a.m. to 5:40 p.m., during the trip from Leticia in a commercial Jet to Bogota.


The continuous electrocardiographic Holter monitoring of the pink dolphin (Inia geoffrensis) showed some interesting pathology, due no doubt to the stress suffered by the animal at certain times.

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J. Reynolds