Variability of Serum Chemistry Parameters Among Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) Maintained Under Pond Production Regimens
IAAAM 1985
P. R. Waterstrat; J. Bentinck-Smith; M H. Beleau; P. R. Bowser
College of Veterinary Medicine, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS

Establishment of normal values for clinical serum chemistry parameters in fish have generally been drawn from samples maintained under relatively defined environmental conditions. Data from Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus maintained at 3 different stocking densities under production conditions and sampled throughout an 8 month period indicate wide and statistically significant variability among clinical chemistry parameters.

Establishment of normal clinical values appears to require references to the environmental conditions under which the fish are maintained.

Speaker Information
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Paul R. Waterstrat
Mississippi State University
Mississippi State, MS

MAIN : Session XI : Variability of Serum Chemistry
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