Neonatal Mortality in Captive Indian Ocean Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) Through Trauma and Icterus
IAAAM 1985
G. D. Thurman
South African Association for Marine Biological Research, Marine Parade, Durban, South Africa

Two baby dolphins bred in captivity through the same father were born within a week of each other. The first died within 5 hours of birth through high speed collision with the tank wall. The second died 93 hours after birth through neonatal jaundice. The history, clinical symptoms, autopsy examination and possible causes and prevention are discussed.

Speaker Information
(click the speaker's name to view other papers and abstracts submitted by this speaker)

G. D. Thurmon
South African Association for Marine Biology Research
Durban, South Africa

MAIN : Session VIII : Neonatal Mortality
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