Diagnoses and Treatment of Pinniped Ophthalmic Disorders
IAAAM 1983
M.K. Mac Donald, MD; L.A. Dierauf, VMD
California Marine Mammal Center,  Fort Cronkhite, CA

There is little information available concerning the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders in pinnipeds.

We will discuss examination techniques including: chemical restraint, local nerve blocks, and pupillary dilation.

Several diagnostic techniques including: photography, fluorescein and rose bengal staining of the cornea and conjunctiva, tonometry, bacterial and fungal cultures, and anterior chamber and vitreous taps, will be presented.

We will discuss diagnosis of the common pinniped eye problems.  These will include: abnormal tearing, blepharo-conjunctivitis, corneal edema, corneal dystrophy, corneal ulcers, uveitis, cataracts, retinal, and neurologic disorders.

Our approach to the treatment of these problems at the California Marine Mammal Center will be discussed.

Speaker Information
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Michael K. Mac Donald, MD

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