Aquatic Animal Medicine and Aquatic Animal Industries
IAAAM 1979
Dr. John B. Gratzek
Professor of Microbiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA


A discussion concerning the needs of industries marketing products affected by aquatic animal medicine.


Prevention of transportation stress is an area where research is needed. Tranquillizers don't work that well. Tetracycline treated feed is given to prevent Columnaris disease in transported channel catfish fingerlings.


  • vitamin C deficiency causes a curved spine.

  • low pantothenic acid levels in stored food result in "white eye".

  • commercial fish food is not good enough. Live food such as brine shrimp must be fed to exotics to keep them healthy. In cases of vitamin deficiency, feeding liver will clear up the condition.

Drugs and Chemicals

  • Malachite green is the universal treatment for "Ich" but it cannot legally be used on food fish because it is carcinogenic. Research to develop a new drug to replace malachite green is needed.
  • Formalin and Masoten (organophosphate) also need to be replaced by new drugs since organisms have the ability to develop resistance to these agents.

Speaker Information
(click the speaker's name to view other papers and abstracts submitted by this speaker)

John B. Gratzek, DVM, PhD
University of Georgia

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