Legal and Political Issues Which Affect the Aquatic Animal Medicine Industry
IAAAM 1979
George Steele, Executive Director, ZOOACT

Washington, DC


A discussion of the restrictions on animal handling and trade with an overview of the laws and their implications which pertain to the treatment and care of aquatic animals. Recommendations on how the industry of aquatic animal medicine can influence the laws that affect it will be discussed.


Mr. Steele was not present, however his paper was read to the conferees.

Office space in Washington is at a premium and red tape is increasing. One has to contend with the courts, the physical and biological requirements of the animals, the political aspect and public desires when dealing with matters concerning aquatic animals. The physical and biological requirements of the animals in question often take a back seat to the political and economic aspects of the matter. It is impossible to write regulations for care and handling of animals without dealing with input from the public and the above mentioned authorities.

The best care of animals should be placed above the dollar input from the client, however, does the veterinarian always do this?

Endangered Species Act - Permits to take such animals can be delayed for up to 120 days.

Can veterinarians alone be expected to set the guidelines? No, input from all of the other groups is needed.

The Department of the Interior suffers from severe management problems. It has legal, political, emotional and factual conflicts.

Speaker Information
(click the speaker's name to view other papers and abstracts submitted by this speaker)

George E. Steele, Executive Director

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