Newsletter #16, 1972
IAAAM 1972
International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine (IAAAM)

Don't forget our annual meeting from April 17-19, 1972, at the Hawaiian Regent Hotel, Honolulu, Hawaii. For more details, please contact our President-elect, Dr. M.C. Keyes. From the brochures that I have received, it looks like it will be a good meeting.

Our President, Dr. J.R. Geraci, has submitted the following item for your information and response:

We will be meeting as an IAAAM session at the Wildlife Disease Association Meeting at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, on June 13-15, 1972.

As chairman, I am asking our members to contribute to the session by reading a paper of a general nature, similar to those which we have offered at the AVMA meetings. I am calling for one paper in each of the following areas:

  1. Capture and Transportation of Marine Mammals
  2. Maintenance Requirements of Marine Mammals
  3. Disease Problems in Marine Mammals
  4. Techniques in the Diagnosis of Marine Mammal Diseases (30 min)
  5. Marine Mammals and Communicable Diseases

In a communication which I received from Dr. W.H. Dudok van Heel, the meeting at Harderwijk was a great success. The proceedings will be published in a new magazine, "Aquatic Animals". Dr. van Heel will be the managing editor. The magazine will be published by the Dolfinarium.

The following resolution came forth from the symposium: "The participants of the Symposium "Dolphins and Dolphinaria" held at Harderwijk February 10 - 17 1972, declare that they will approach the responsible government departments and/or their respective zoological associations in their home countries to request most urgently the protection of Cetacea, Pinnipedia and Sirenia within their territory and the establishment of rules and guidelines i.e. a minimum standard regarding the catching, transport, facilities and staff of establishments housing these animals in captivity.

A reminder, also, that for many of you your 1972 dues are outstanding. Many are still in arrears for 1971.

This newsletter is an informal publication of the IAAAM distributed exclusively for the information of its members and is not to be reproduced, cited, reference or in anyway referred to as part of the scientific literature.

I might also request that everyone start thinking about next year's annual meeting site as well as the election of a president-elect. As you know according to our Constitution, the president-elect is responsible for the annual program; so please give it some serious thought,

It would be nice, also, if I would receive some news items for our next newsletter. There are lots of things going on that people would like to hear about. Thank you.

William Medway

This item was submitted by Dr. K.E. Wolf, one of our associate members for your perusal:

Fish health and related research are fields of growing interest to some veterinarians. At present, veterinary participation is largely in academe--teaching and research. Under the provisions of Article I Section 2 and Article II In its entirety, the Constitution of the IAAAM Is the professional organization most suited to those who are active in fish health and research.

It is timely, therefore, for the membership to consider devoting a portion of the annual meeting to topics of fish health research. If you are interested in such a program, please contact Ken Wolf, Eastern Fish Disease Laboratory, Kearneysville, W. Va. 25430, and specify your interests and topics you would like to be presented. THIS IS NOT A CALL FOR PAPERS, but if you would be willing to participate, please indicate the subject matter.

This newsletter is an informal publication of the IAAAM distributed exclusively for the information of its members and is not to be reproduced, cited, reference or in anyway referred to as part of the scientific literature.

Speaker Information
(click the speaker's name to view other papers and abstracts submitted by this speaker)

Robert L. Jenkins

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