Newsletter #10, 1970
IAAAM 1970
International Association of Aquatic Animal Medicine (IAAAM)

I may have misled some of you by the announcement of our annual meeting at the University of Guelph next Spring. Rather than "executive" meeting on Friday, April 20, 1971 it should have read "business" meeting. This is the time when we discuss finances, constitution, memberships, etc., the meeting then proceeds into a round table discussion, by the membership, of their specific problems. In the past, this portion of the meeting has been favorably received. The scientific session will be on April 28 & 29, 1971.

I am happy to announce that Dr. T.C. Poulter, Stanford Research Institute has been made an honorary life associate member of the IAAAM. We congratulate and welcome Dr. Poulter to our group. I know that we can all look forward to a mutually beneficial and stimulating association.

Dr. John Simpson has informed me that he is no longer able to provide free histopathological service since he now has to hire a technician to prepare his slides. I do not know what he will be charging for this service.

Both Dr. M.C. Keyes and Dr. J.R. Geraci, chairmen of the AVMA-IAAAM joint session next July and the annual IAAAM meeting next April, respectively, should now know if any of the membership wishes to participate in the meetings If you want to make a presentation, please contact the appropriate individual.

I have not received any material from the membership for inclusion into this newsletter; however, I did receive 8 lbs. of hermetically sealed, pasteurized "Sea Ration". This material is prepared from ground whole herring for captive cetaceans and other aquatic animals. Two Sea lions tested with the material resulted in a .500 batting average. One ignored it completely and the other ate it with no hesitation. Two dolphins tested similarly resulted in the same average. A Jackass Penguin tested some with his bill then looked at me indicating that it was an affront to his dignity. So endeth the trials. I would like to know if anyone has had similar experiences.

In a recent telephone conversation, Dr. Geraci has informed me that the annual program is shaping up beautifully.

Best wishes for the holiday season and a prosperous 1971.

W. Medway

This newsletter is an informal publication of the IAAAM distributed exclusively for the information of its members and is not to be reproduced, cited, reference or in anyway referred to as part of the scientific literature.

Speaker Information
(click the speaker's name to view other papers and abstracts submitted by this speaker)

Robert L. Jenkins

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