Newsletter #5, 1969
IAAAM 1969
International Association of Aquatic Animal Medicine (IAAAM)

At our next meeting, which will probably be early next year (Jan. or Feb.), please come prepared to discuss papers for the AVMA meeting at Las Vegas in the summer. We will have to select at least six good presentations. These will have to be submitted before the meeting so that the President and I can edit them and put them into some type of folder (or to be incorporated into the proceedings-of the Annual meeting of the AVMA).

Please fill in the following questionnaire and return to me as soon as possible

Preference of location of next meeting if you have to pay your own expenses

____ California ____ Florida ____ Hawaii

_________Other (please indicate)

Preference of location of next meeting if travel expenses are available

____ California ____ Florida ____ Hawaii

_________Other (please indicate)

Speaker Information
(click the speaker's name to view other papers and abstracts submitted by this speaker)

Robert L. Jenkins

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