Newsletter #1, 1969
IAAAM 1969
International Association of Aquatic Animal Medicine (IAAAM)

One of my duties as Secretary-Treasurer of this newly formed Association is to edit the Newsletter. For a newsletter to be newsy we need news, so I am soliciting anything that you feel would be of interest to the other members.

This might include employment opportunities, practice tips, new disease entities that by themselves do not warrant publication in a journal. In the last respect, we will acknowledge the source of the information should it be used at a later date. You might also wish to inform members of aberrant side effects of some of the new drugs. I will entertain any suggestions, questions or criticisms concerning the newsletter or the Association. If you are opposed to the tentative name The International Association of Aquatic Veterinarians", then-I hope that you will suggest a name for the Association.

A list of the charter members is enclosed.

Hope to hear from you.

W. Medway,

Speaker Information
(click the speaker's name to view other papers and abstracts submitted by this speaker)

Robert L. Jenkins

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