Increased Preanesthetic Stress Reduced the Quality of Medetomidine-Ketamine Immobilization in Markhors (Capra falconeri heptneri): Preliminary Results
American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Conference 2004

Juhana Honkavaara1, DVM; Toni Tynkkynen1, DVM; Eeva Rudbäck2, DVM; Marja Raekallio1, DVM, PhD

1Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; 2Helsinki Zoo, Helsinki, Finland


Twelve healthy markhors (Capra falconeri heptneri) (four male, eight female) were immobilized a total of 16 times for routine procedures in the Helsinki Zoo between March 2000 and October 2003 with a combination of medetomidine (MED: 120.8±37.7 µg/kg [mean ± SD]) and ketamine (KET: 1.5±0.5 mg/kg). Prior to darting, the stress (SS) exhibited by the target animal(s) was scored. The animals were then assessed for either a sufficient or insufficient level of anesthesia (LA), depending on whether they required additional anesthetics (propofol at 1.2±0.5 mg/kg IV or half of the original dose of MED-KET IM) in order to achieve a satisfactory immobilization. Paired venous and arterial samples were taken at T1=23.7±6.6 and T2=50.2±7.4 minutes (from dart impact) for serum cortisol concentration (S-COR) and blood gas analysis, respectively.

Animals requiring additional anesthetics had higher stress scores prior to being darted (p<0.01). S-COR did not correlate with SS or arterial PaO2. In addition, a significant reduction in S-COR over time between paired samples was found (p<0.01). Preliminary results suggest that acute stress cannot be measured with S-COR in Markhors when a MED-KET combination is used for chemical immobilization. Propofol proved to be an efficient and safe method for inducing an adequate plane of anesthesia when the original anesthetic response was regarded as insufficient for a satisfactory immobilization. We conclude that in order to achieve an optimal anesthetic response in markhors immobilized with MED-KET, acute preanesthetic stress should be avoided.


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Juhana Honkavaara, DVM
Department of Clinical Sciences
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
University of Helsinki
Helsinki, Finland

MAIN : 2004 : Markhor Pre-Anesthetic Stress & Medetomidine-Ketamine
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