Vet Talk

One Last Hurrah

Why do some pets have a last rally just before their euthanasia appointment?

Published: December 11, 2020
Photo courtesy of DepositPhotos

One of the hardest decisions any pet owner will ever make is the decision to euthanize a pet to end suffering. Why then, do our pets sometimes make that decision harder? Why do some pets have a last rally just before their euthanasia appointment?

It’s commonly reported by owners and veterinarians that some pets will have a last burst of energy between the call to schedule the euthanasia and the procedure itself. It can be jarring to see such a thing, causing an owner to doubt a difficult decision. What could be happening? There are several theories.

Most terminal diseases are waxing and waning. It’s really not one long downhill slide when seen up-close. It’s a mix of good and bad days, one where the bad days become more and more common than the good. As that ratio worsens, and the owner perceives that bad days are becoming the norm for the pet, the euthanasia appointment is scheduled. But in reality, there are still good moments, albeit much less frequent. Odds are that one of those perkier moments will happen between when the decision is made and the euthanasia itself.

It’s also possible that it’s all psychological. When we are considering whether or not to euthanize a pet, there may be a lot of anxiety and stress involved in the decision-making process. Our pets pick up on those feelings and reflect them back, appearing worse themselves. Then, we make the decision, schedule the appointment, and it’s set. A weight is lifted off our shoulders and we become calmer, focusing our attention not on the decision process but on our pet’s last hours or days. They bask in this glow of good feelings, and they appear to improve, just before the euthanasia occurs.

Many of our pets experiencing terminal illnesses are already on pain medications, either for the illness itself or for other common conditions such as arthritis. Perhaps in the days, weeks, or months before we make the decision to euthanize, as conscientious owners, we try to walk the line between giving enough pain medications to keep our pets comfortable but not so much as to cause annoying or debilitating side effects. Now, knowing there is little time left, we may not care at all about side effects because our goal is keeping the pet out of pain. Why worry about long-term side effects when there is no more long term? If the pet has an accident in the house or is more groggy from the drug, we don't care as much as we did before the appointment was made. We go ahead and give full doses of all of the pain medications we can, and our pets experience better pain relief and a happy high shortly before they are euthanized.

Whatever the reason, the majority of veterinarians have either seen or heard of this “pre-euthanasia improvement,” so if you experience it with your own pet, know it’s normal. Also know that it is not wrong to proceed with the euthanasia anyway, if that is what you want. It may be better to do it that way and have your pet leave the world feeling good than to cancel the appointment and have an “emergency euthanasia” on a subsequent, really awful day. And, please, if you are having difficulty with the decision of euthanasia or the loss of a pet, reach out for support.


June 23, 2021

This article really helped me. Our dog was diagnosed with aggressive cancer and after his spleen was removed along with a large tumor, we knew we were on borrowed time. We kept a journal tracking his quality of life (I'm so glad we did) and finally made the difficult decision to euthanize. When the vet came to our home, he ran to the door and even wanted to play some. I still feel it was the right thing to do as the bad days were getting more frequent and worse, but I'd be lying if I said this one last burst of energy didn't make this sting more. We went ahead with the appointment and knowing this is not uncommon has really helped me though this very difficult time.

February 1, 2021

Our corgi was diagnosed at Christmas with cancer. He is on prednisone and has good and bad days. Today is a bad day and our hearts break a little more every time. He is only 8. We adopted him 5 yrs ago. We love him dearly and know the end is near. One day he is playing crazy with his favorite toys and the next he can hardly move. Hardest decision but made out of love.

January 15, 2021

I have had many pets over my lifetime where this has occurred.  I know my pets well.  I can read their eyes for signs of discomfort, sadness, pain or confusion.  We can all do that if we will sit quietly with them on a good day and chat with them.  They will show you.  I've taught many people how to do that for themselves.  When it came time to say goodbye to my last remaining Greyhound, Harley, he had told me he was ready.  He was struggling, in pain and was not having any quality of life fit for such a regal creature.  The vet came to the house, as she drove up, Harley RAN to greet her, reared up on his hind legs and was happy for the first time in months.  She asked me if I was certain it was time and I said absolutely.  He was showing his gratitude for his final moments and was going to leave me with happy memories.  As the vet drove off with his body, I looked up and saw a cloud form in the shape of a dog with wings.  I couldn't have asked for any better sign that I had done the right thing by him.

Karen Moxon
January 15, 2021

We are trying to make that difficult decision now.  She falls constantly or slowly sinks to floor.  I've put many loved one down but this one seems to be tugging at my moral values and I know its time

Mary McLaughlin
January 14, 2021

We are going through this now. We had made the decision just before Christmas, that once the holidays were over, we would make the appointment for our 11 year old Pomeranian. He has congestive heart failure and seemed to be sleeping 20 or more hours a day. He would still eat and drink but that was about it. Even now, we have to carry him everywhere he needs to go. His breathing is reLly congested and loud.  But the past few days, he seems as perky as can be. Now we wait. Thank you for the article.

January 14, 2021

I have also seen this in patients.

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