Effect of the Castration on the Not Wanted Behavior in Mature Dogs
World Small Animal Veterinary Association World Congress Proceedings, 2005
A. Córdova1; A. Barreto; C. Lechuga; F. Pastor
Departamento de Producción Agrícola y Animal. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Xochimilco. Calz. Del hueso 1100 Col. Villa Quietud C.P. 09970, México

Through the time, it has been observed that the castration, it can favor the reduction of serious problems in the dogs toward the humans, it is for it that at the moment is used in company dogs, like a technique to prevent undesirable behaviors (Stone, 2000; Wells and 2000).

In this study, 7 dogs of different race were used, age, size and weight with the purpose of valuing the effect of the castration have more than enough non desirable behaviors in mature dogs with proprietor. The surgeries were carried out during one month, in a clinic of the city of Mexico. A questionnaire was applied before the surgery: Does it leave to the street their dog?: alone, with somebody, c/s belt. Does their dog behave aggressively with other dogs?: no, sometimes, very frequent; Is their dog alone or does he cohabit with other dogs?: is it alone, do I have more dogs; How does their dog behave when you see a female?: does he smell it, does he bark, does it mount it, does it attack her, doesn't he take it into account, is it submissive; Had noticed that their dog mounts other dogs, objects or people?: yes, no. Later: The anxiety of the dog to leave to the street increase or do I diminish?: did it increase, did it diminish, does it continue equally; Is it aggressive with other dogs or people?: no longer, does it continue aggressive, now it is aggressive; How does their dog behave when you see a female?: does he have interest, doesn't he pay him attention; Does their dog continue mounting other dogs, objects or people?: yes, no; Does their dog continue marking with urine some parts of his house?: yes, no.

The surveys carried out before the surgery, determined that 6 dogs presented inadequate sexual behavior, 5 had a behavior of territory scoring inside the house and aggressiveness toward people and/or dogs and it stops vagabondage, it was observed in 5 of them. One month after the surgery; 66% modified the behavior of sexual desire, 40% diminished the behavior of territory scoring, the aggressiveness it didn't present effect and the vagabondage was presented in 40% of the animals.

The castration, it can be an effective treatment in some behaviors problem; however, it is necessary to value long term, the adverse effects after the surgery.


1.  Stone R.W. 2000. More on ear cropping and neutering. Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association 216(2):174-175.

2.  Wells D.L. and Hepper P.G. 2000. Prevalence of behaviour problems reported by owners of dogs purchased from an animal rescue shelter. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 69:55-65.

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A. Córdova

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